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Daily Fellowship with God: Ongoing Prayer

Learn six steps to daily fellowship with God.

"Principle: Be aware of and practice prayer throughout the day."

Daily Fellowship with God

These studies will be based on the Saturday evening study of Resurrection Christian fellowship, a handful of people who gather weekly to worship the Lord and study His Word (now by conference call). It is our way to continue understanding and applying the Word studied.

“…workout your own salvation with fear and trembling…”

Philippians 2:12b

Keying on this verse, we have learned that God wants us to cautiously (with fear and trembling) develop (work out) what God’s plan for our moment to moment Christian walk so we might continue to grow stronger in faith until we reach the safety of Heaven (hope of our salvation). We do this hand in hand with God who gives us “…both the will and to do His good pleasure.” (vs. 13)

This week’s topic: ONGOING Parts of our Plan

1. Invocation: invite God for fellowship to empower you to understand and apply His Word.

2. Scripture: “Pray without ceasing.” I Thessalonians 5:17

Context: This verse appears in a list of final exhortations in Paul’s letter to the church he started in Thessalonica. Thus, knowing the many topics of the letter do not need to be known to understand these three words.

Vocabulary: Prayer – is talking with God. Without ceasing – doesn’t mean we are to close our eyes and fold our hands continually (which could be fatal when driving a car), but rather it is a continual awareness of God’s presence and our privilege of conversing with Him throughout the day. It does not have to be structured, although there will be times when we stop what we are doing to have structured petitions, etc.

Principle: Be aware of and practice prayer throughout the day.

3. Accountability/Application – This can be done with questions.

Do I live as though the Lord is with me every second? (Acts 17:28, Galatians 2:20)

Would my life be different if He was visibly present with me?

Can my prayer life through the day be measured by a few seconds, minutes or all day?

What did I pray about yesterday?

How could I improve?

4. Confession and absolution – if you discovered sin in your life on this topic (or anywhere else), then take time to confess your failure. Be sure at the end to let the Holy Spirit comfort you with God’s forgiveness.

5. Worship – enjoy being forgiven, take time to praise Him. You might listen to music (e.g. a Steve Green song, one of the best renditions of “A Mighty Fortress” I have ever heard or just praise Him with your own song.

6. Prayer

For others (prayer journal?)

For anticipated challenges in the day


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