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Five Decision-Making Questions Based on God's Word (4)

Created for His glory!

"...everyone who is called by My name...I have created for My glory...I have formed and made." Isaiah 43:7

As I was going through college and the seminary I worked in psychiatric wards. It was quite noticeable that people who do not have or understand their purpose are people who are either depressed or don't want to live at all.

God gives us many purposes but one of the most primary is that of glorifying Him. He says we were created and called to bring Him glory. This purpose is to influence everything we do, think and say.

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, DO ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD!"

I Corinthians 10:31

But how does one glorify God? The answer is to be like Him. But what does it mean to be like Him? It means to reflect His attributes and will. God is love (I John 4:8) and He is glorified when we love. God is forgiving and He is glorified when we are forgiving (Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 18:21-35). God has a perfect will and we glorfy Him when we are obedient (John 14:15, Luke 11:28)

Herein we find our fourth question: Does it glorify God?

  • Does it glorify to be ignorant of His Word?

  • Does it glorify God when we seek to save the lost?

  • Does it glorify God to gossip?

  • Does it glorify God when we take supper to a sick person?

  • Does it glorify God to watch ungodly television, movies or videos?

  • Does it glorify God to be kind when others are being mean?

  • Does it glorify God to work more intensely to earn money than serve God?

  • The list goes on.

The questions so far:

1. What does God's Word say?

2. Is the love of Christ motivating me?

3. What would Jesus do?

4. Does it glorify God?

Our study continues in "Five Biblical Decision Making Questions/Principles (5)."


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