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Five Decision-Making Questions Based on God's Word (2)

"What's love got to do with it?"

"There is no higher reason for doing anything than the love (agape) of Christ. If something can't be done on that basis, it probably shouldn't be done."

PRINCIPLE #2: Is the love (agape) of Christ motivating me?

Every decision should be made because of the love of Christ.

"For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if one died for all then all died..." II Corinthians 5:14

Is the "love of Christ" mentioned here His love for us or our love for Him? A case can be made for either interpretation, but in the final analysis, it doesn't matter. Certainly the fact that Christ loved us so much that He would bear the guilt and punishment for our sins on the cross can and should motivate us in making decisions. Certainly the fact that we love Him for sacrificing Himself on our behalf should motivate us to live for Him. Thus, the outcome is the same for either interpretation.

Thus, this verse suggests a decision making question: "Is the love of Christ motivating me?" There is no higher reason for doing anything than the Love of Christ. If something can't be done on that basis, it probably shouldn't be done. But beware! There is powerful competing motive! The following verse reveals it.

"...and He died for all that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again." II Corinthians 5:15

The competing motive is love of self, selfishness. When Adam and Eve sinned, their decision was a rejection of God's loving will for them in order to "do their own self-centered thing." Since then, by nature, selfishness has dominated man's decision making process. Just as their decision resulted in life-disrupting consequences, the same outcome happens today when "self" is the motive for a decision.

Decision questions/princioles so far:

1. What does God's Word Say?

2. "Is the love (agape) of Christ motivating me?

The study continutes in "Five Biblical Decision Making Questions/Principles (3)."


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