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Hospital Aviary

Outpatient surgery for a friend and dead birds...?

"...thinking this isn't the most encouraging pre-surgery sight for a patient to behold."

Hospital Aviary

In the process of visiting a friend about to have outpatient surgery, I was told I needed to wait in the reception area while they prepared him. I took a seat and was entertained by the birds in an aviary. While watching the birds I happened to notice there were two dead birds in the floor of the aviary. I reported it to the receptionist, thinking this isn't the most encouraging pre-surgery sight for a patient to behold. I mean really, they couldn't even keep the birds alive! Finally, with the patient prep completed, I was allowed to see my friend and have a devotion with him. However, prior to starting the devotion the anesthesiologist came in to visit the patient. He was three days older than Moses and obviously had just eaten breakfast because he had food all up and down the front of his scrubs. As he reached for his stethoscope the head of the stethoscope fell off the instrument and rolled under the bed. Just picture it; this old man, with food all over him, crawling on all fours trying to find the head of his stethoscope. My counsel to people anticipating surgery is to take care of as many variables as possible prior to surgery and leave the rest up to the Lord. I'm not sure all the variables had been reasonably considered in this case.


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