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Truth Study 2: Truth and Discipleship

Do you consider yourself to be one of Jesus’ disciples? You either are or you aren’t. How can you know?

"In your prayers tonight, ask God to show you the truth about your discipleship as defined by Jesus (as living in His Word)."


Truth and Discipleship


Why did Jesus say He came to us?

Define truth.

What observations have you made since yesterday about what people believe to be true?

Today’s Study

Do you consider yourself to be one of Jesus’ disciples? You either are or aren’t. Listen to Jesus’ definition of what it means to be His disciple:

“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed in Him, ‘If you remain* in My Word then you are really My disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’” John 8:31-32

Again, are you a disciple of Jesus? Pardon the play on words, but are you truly a disciple, is it a reality? As you can see from the asterisk (see footnote) from all the most popular translations of the New Testament, a person is truly Jesus’ disciple, not just who exposes himself to Jesus Word, but who lives (continues, holds to, continues to follow, abides) in His Word.

This is somewhat scary when one considers how many people fail to show the slightest interest in studying, understanding and applying Jesus’ Word, yet think they are His disciples!!! The vast majority of professing Christians find it difficult to hear it once a week in church, much less study it daily with the goal of building their whole life on or within the boundaries of Jesus’ Word.

I ask you again, “Are you truly a disciple of Jesus? Is His Word the most important and ultimate definition of reality for your life? When people think of you do they think of how important His Word is to you? Is it your goal moment to moment to love Jesus, to follow Jesus and to live within the boundaries of His Word?”

Over 45 years of ministry, I’ve seen people think they are solid spiritually because they SAY they believe, pray, go to church, serve on a church board, and, if they are really spiritual, even go to Bible class. While all of these activities can be a part of discipleship, it is not true (reality) that they determine "authentic" discipleship. Jesus has revealed the truth about discipleship – it is believing and loving Him so much that the person desires to hear, apply and live in His Word.


1. In your prayers tonight, ask God to show you the truth about your discipleship as

defined by Jesus (as living in His Word).

2. Memorize John 8:31-32.

*”Continue” (King James Version, New American Standard Bible), “hold to” (New International Version), “continue to follow” (New English Translation), “abide” (New King James Version)


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