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Truth Study 1: A definition

What is the truth? How do you define it? How important is it?

"If Jesus’s primary reason for coming into this world was bear witness to the truth, then truth must be fundamental to knowing God, having a relationship with Him, and our very existence."



Some very religious men flew two airplanes into the World Trade Center killing thousands, all the while thinking what they were doing was based on the “truth.” A governor thought he was speaking truth when he said it would be OK to kill an infant after it had been born if the doctor and parents agreed it was too physically handicapped to live a “quality” life. Obviously, how a person defines truth is important – the Christian believes both of those actions were based on lies, not the truth.

How would you define the word “TRUTH?”

The concept of truth is indispensable to every person’s life, to God, the Bible and the very existence of the Christian. How important? The word or one of its cognates occurs over 175 times in the New Testament. Here is just one instance:

“For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.” John 18:37

If Jesus’s primary reason for coming into this world was bear witness to the truth, then truth must be fundamental to knowing God, having a relationship with Him, and our very existence.

Let’s close this brief study with what seems to be a very accurate definition of truth.

DEFINITION: Truth is reality, what really is.

If you told me you came to my house riding on a donut, I would say your statement was not true, it was not an expression of reality.

If you told me you came to my house in a Ford Fusion (and I saw you arrive in one), I would say your statement was true, it was a reality, it “really” happened.


1. Memorize he definition of truth.

2. Study John 8:31-32 and extract as much from the verses as you can about truth.

3. Watch/listen how clumsily people the media uses the word “Truth.”


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