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Why did you get up this morning?

A foundational question!

Before reading the rest of this page, why not answer the question yourself? Then, read the post.

The question could be answered from an general perspective: "I got up because God, in His mercy, granted me another day." Every human being alive could answer the question this way. However, that is not the the perspective from which the question is being asked. The question is meant from a "reason" perspective. "Why, what reason did you have for getting out of bed this morning?" When asking high school students, they usually say, "Because mom and dad made me get out of bed" or "I had to come to school." When talking to adults I have observed they say they get up to go to work, to please themselves, to live for another person or people, etc. One time I heard, "I get out of bed several times a night to go to the bathroom." Here is God's answer to why a person should get out of bed:

"Everyone who is called by my Name, whom I have created FOR MY GLORY; I have formed him, yes, I have created him." Isaiah 43:7

"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, DO ALL TO THE GLORY OF THE LORD." I Corinthians 10:31

The best answer to the question is, "To glorify the Lord." But why is this the best answer?

  • Because God loves you so much He sacrificed His Son on the cross that you might be forgiven of your sins.

  • Because you love God more than anything or anyone and it is your grateful response to His sacrifice.

  • Because you want everyone around you to see what a wonderful God you have and be blessed by Him through you.

But how is this done? How does a person glorify God in everything He does? Jesus answers this question.

"If you love Me, keep My commandments." John 14:15

God has laid down the perfect path for our life and the way to glorify Him is walking in His Word. It would seem to unbelievers that obeying God would be boring and "no fun." On the contrary, as we joyfully walk the path of His Word, we are not only pleasing Him, not only receiving His blessings, not only enjoying pleasing Him, but we are glorifying Him with the best possible response to Jesus' bearing the guilt and punishment for our sins. This is why the Apostle John says,

"For this is the love of God that we keep His commandments and His commandments ARE NOT burdensome." I John 5:3

So why did you get out of bed this morning? God bless you and through those blessings empower you to get out of bed for the best possible reason --- to glorify Him with every thought, word and deed!


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