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You are called to be a Disciple (3)

"Love, Fruit and Accountability"

"It is time to restore those attributes of discipleship that are so rare today, beginning with ourselves.


"By this all will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another." John 13:35

Not all attributes of a disciple are personal; some of them are interpersonal. It is God's agape love for us that prompted Him to sacrifice His Son for our salvation. It is Jesus' agape love for us that prompted Him to lay down His life to redeem us from our sins. It is the Holy Spirit's generating agape love in us that prompts us to Love God and be Jesus' disciple in response. And here we see it is agape love for other disciples that is to be the very testimony to the world that we are disciples of Jesus. Yet, some professing Christians don't seem to have received this divine memo. Some of the most hateful people I have ever seen have been members of the churches I have pastored. I've seen people grow embittered and hateful over the color of carpeting that should go in the church, who gets a key to the church and when the church's bell should be rung. On the other hand, I have also seen many disciples in those churches who are tenderhearted and full of agape love for each other, facts that shout to the world, "I am a disciple of Jesus."


"You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed that you go and bear fruit and that your fruit may abide..." John 15:16a

Here is that word "Go" again! This time the "Go" is followed by the goal of going, that of bearing fruit. But notice the fruit of discipleship has a special quality; it is a fruit that "abides." As a disciple follows Jesus and does the work Jesus does, it produces results, not just for the moment, but that continue beyond the moment. In fact, some results even survive the death of the disciple, just as the outcome of Jesus' ministry continues to this very day. A disciple who ministers to his children as God has ordained, can influence generations. The disciple who makes other disciples influences their family's lives for generations. A disciple who witnesses to a terminally ill person can affect his or her life for an eternity. A disciple who shares God's Word with a neighbor married to a controlling spouse can be God's instrument in replacing their stress with peace. The list is endless.


"Pay attention to yourselves. If you brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him." Luke 17:3

Accountability!!! It is an essential attribute BETWEEN disciples.

"All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes..." Proverbs 16:2

No human being is objective when it comes to viewing himself! By the way, just in case you are one of those who believes a person's faith is nobody else's business, try these on for size.

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another..." James 5:16a

"Brothers, if if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." Galatians 6:1

Disciples need each other! Disciples hate sin, especially their own and welcome the reproofs of others. The last thing a disciple wants to do is offend our Lord.

It is time to pursue and restore those attributes of discipleship that are so rare today, beginning with our own discipleship. God grant it.


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